Box Office Xpress Junior 4.1 Moderate Upgrade

If you do not yet have version 4.1 installed, this update is required before you can apply more recent updates.



Description: This is the 4.1 moderate version update. Refer to the history for details on this and previous updates.
File Name: boxjrupdate.exe
Version: 4.1.1027
Size: 13.5 MB
Updated On: May 3, 2010
Platform: Windows NT4, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista (32bit), Windows 7 (32bit)
This has not been tested on 64bit computers.
Installation Assistance


Download the Box Office Xpress Junior 4.1 update


Important Notes:



+    New feature
o    Change
-     Fix

4.1.1027 - May 3, 2010

* Moderate Version change to 4.1.
This is a key update. Future updates
may require that this version be installed first.

+ Major new feature: Added automated function to create multiple Events in seconds.
+ Major new feature: Added ability to add customer information from AdmiTix.
+ Enhanced Service Fee for agents by adding method to use different fees for different clients (via Pricing Schemes' new "SF Adjust" field).
+ Added Service Fee to Daily Sales Breakdown report.
+ Added new ticket layout ("Tickets Please").
- Fixed Discount calculations in Daily Sales Breakdown report.
- Adjustment was not being saved with orders.

4.0.1026 - February 24, 2010

+ Added Service Fee option for agents (see Pricing Structure - Fees and Personal Options - Orders).
+ Added reports for showing ticket fees collected.
+ Added Series Price Type Summary report.
+ Added caution notice for overbooked events.
o Tickets left count is now updated upon completion of an order (although tickets left totals that are affected by other users on the network are still updated by the minute).
o Tickets left percentage (shown as a tool tip when you hover over the tickets left count) now shows a fraction of a percent, when the percentage is below 1.
- Replaced slowly repeating error message, when selecting event with minimal or no tickets left, with appropriate informational message.
- Customer flag change or removal would sometimes not occur immediately when returning to the order screen.
- Fixed an error message that occurred when creating Events without date and/or time.
- Fixed issue with tech support tool not being able to zip data.

4.0.1025 - February 4, 2010

+ Added USB support for cash drawer.
+ Added USB support for Epson TM-T88x receipt printer.
+ Added USB support for Boca printers (Practical Automation USB was already supported).
+ Added back "Prep Paper" feature for receipt printer (it was missing in the new version).
+ Added E-mail Extractor (extracts e-mails from reports/contact lists that contain them).
+ Receipt ticket style now selects reserved or general admission layouts automatically.
o Ticket and Receipt printer setup has been simplified. Specifically ...
o "Port" and "USB" is no longer used for receipt printers. This has been simplified to just selecting the actual printer "Device".
o "Port" is no longer used for parallel or serial ticket printers. This has been simplified to just selecting the actual printer "Device".
o Practical Automation USB printers can still continue to use the "USB" option (no driver installation required). Or, if the driver was installed, they can alternately use the "Device" option.

4.0.1023 - August 31, 2009

+ An option was added to disable the monthly automated archive.
+ An option was added in the Reports window to include 'Hold' orders in reports. 'Hold' orders were not included in many of the reports before because they are not real orders, but this info may be useful to some.
- Held general admission orders were creating an error at start-up when it was time for them to be automatically deleted and, as a result, were not being removed from the system.
- Various reports were not showing customer contact name if company name was removed.
- Report titling mistakes from previous update.
- If a subscription-type pricing scheme were selected, and then a different customer was selected, you were then able to select an Event. Event's are not supposed to be available when initially selling a subscription.

4.0.1020 - July 18, 2009

+ Added the following reports ... Customer Listing by Event (Date Sort), Tickets Not Printed.
o Changed layout of tickets concerning ticket number placement on stubs/ends.
o Provided additional information on dealing with installations on computers running UAC. 
- Corrected possible inaccuracy of Event Summary and Tickets on Hold reports, plus some other reports where Hold amounts were not being shown.
- Customer Listing By Event and Customer Listing By Event (Contact) reports were not showing customer contact name if company name was removed.
- Corrected Daily Sales Breakdown report so that it includes general discounts.
- Holds converted to paid orders were retaining the hold's date for the date of sale, instead of the current date/time.
- Some ticket layouts not printing correctly when using barcodes and ticket numbers.

4.0.1019 - April 18, 2009

+    You can now set a specific seating section as the Priority section. This section will open first when selecting seats for an order or just when viewing sections.
+    Added progress bar for the Diagnostics "Clear all locked..." function.
+    Added buttons to Setup screen.
+    Added "open Title screen" and "open Setup screen" buttons to the Order screen.
o    Except for the priority section, the remaining seating sections are now sorted alphabetically in the drop-down box of the Seating Section window.
o    Changed the icons for the Order screen's Customer area buttons and Event calendar search buttons.
-    If either the day, week or future Event search list was used, but no Event was yet selected, and then a different pricing scheme was chosen, the Events search list would still be displayed (which may contain the wrong Events if either pricing scheme was Event-specific).
-    Fixed incorrectly named check box in Options tab of Event Setup window.
-    Fixed "File not found" error (harmless) when opening Order screen.
-    Fixed the Event calendar search buttons for specific day and week-at-glance, which didn't work when using certain types of Event-based price groupings.
-    Fixed erroneous data displayed in customer mail to/from month fields (error likely only noticeable in Sample data).
=    Other minor tweaks.


4.0.1015 - March 30, 2009

+    Credit/Debit/Gift card processing is now available from within the program. This uses the X-Charge service. Contact us if you want to process credit, debit and gift cards using the program.
+    Having the "Confirm Exit" message appear is now a personal option that can be turned off.
+    Once the registration information has been entered, access to key information within the Registration screen is restricted to admin users only. Plus a warning was added about editing the key information on which the registration number is based.
+    Added "On-line Support" item to Help menu.
+    Tickets available totals for a selected Event are refreshed automatically every minute, if an Event remains selected but tickets are not sold right away for that Event (applies to site license only).
+    Added larger font option for mailing labels and contact list.
+    Added Debit and Gift Card payment methods.
+    Can now edit Payment Method for completed orders.
+    Personal option added in Orders tab - "Keep ticket quantities", which is associated with the "Default to last Pricing Scheme" option. If not selected, then the ticket quantities are cleared with each new order.
+    Added "View Your Last Order" button. Clicking this will open the Order Details window to the last order that was taken on that workstation.
o    Changed format of date for selected Event in By Event tab of Combine Events with Seating tab of Event Setup.
o    Added message when search produced no results in Event Listing tab of Event Setup.
o    The layout of the fields in the Customer Edit window was modified to be more clear.
o    Changed the icons for the main buttons on the Order screen.
o    Changed the main program icon.
-    If the Registration screen was opened from the Setup screen, only the Help menu would be visible after closing the Registration screen.
-    Using the Cancel button on the "Confirm Exit" message would sometimes let the program exit anyway.
-    Improved appearance of up/down buttons of Event Time selection in Event Setup when using the Office 2007 Blue skin.
-    Corrected links from Help menu to Help System topics "Setup Screen Overview" and "Order Screen Overview".
-    Editing a customer record with no second address would result in a blank space in the mailing labels.
-    Invalid phone #'s from imported customer data would produce harmless errors.
-    "All Customers" check box in Order Details should have been unselected after clicking the search button.
-    Under specific circumstances, duplicate tickets would print on the same order, instead of all of the selected seat numbers. Ex; B1, B2, B2 would print instead of B1, B2, B3. An error #9 would also be displayed.
-    Personal option to Show hidden Pricing Schemes had the reverse effect.
-    Cash drawer not opening for No Info customers orders. Also, it opens for every type of transaction, instead of just cash, checks and coupons.
-    An Event would not display properly in the Order screen if there was only one Event name from which to select.
-    Address ticket not always printing.
-    Some Office, XP and Vista skins have been improved. Most notably, the thumb slider in the Office 2007 Blue skin is now always visible and clear.
=   Other minor tweaks.

Note: Some of the skins that the program uses have minor "quirks" with regard to how certain things appear. These are beyond our control but we have asked the creators of the skins to address the issues. If you do not like the way a certain skin appears, we recommend trying a different one. We may remove the ability to switch skins in a future version, in favor of a standardized appearance. 


4.0.1011 - Jan. 27, 2009

+    Special Order Information can now be added from the Order Details window.
+    One or both of the two optional fees are now hidden in the Order screen if not being used.
o    Most secondary windows that were forced to be on top of all open windows (of any program) are now just on top of only the open Box Office Xpress Junior windows. Some exceptions apply.
o    Changed Login window so that the password is now hidden.
o    Menu system was rebuilt (the appearance may be different).
o    Added Close button to Seating Design window.
o    Added information to the Help System and the program concerning potential UAC issues when running diagnostics, and how they can be overcome.
-     Program not fully shutting down. Under certain circumstances, when closing the program, it would sometimes not fully terminate. Consequently, if an attempt was made to run the program again, a message might appear that said the program was already running.
-     Program freezing. If certain secondary windows within Box Office Xpress Junior were open, and another program was then opened (or perhaps accessed), and then Box Office Xpress Junior was accessed again (especially if Alt-Tab was used to switch back to the program), Box Office Xpress Junior would sometimes freeze.
-     Maximized window. If the Title screen was maximized, and the Take Orders button was clicked, a harmless error message would be displayed. The Order screen now automatically reverts to normal size.
-     Corrected data entry issue with registration number.